{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- |
-- = 第2章 練習問題 E
module TFwH.Chap02.ExE where

import Control.Exception
import Data.List

-- $setup

-- |
-- @
-- first :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> a
-- first p = head . filter p
-- @
-- @
-- first :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> a
-- first p xs | null xs   = error "Empty list"
--            | p x       = x
--            | otherwise = firstB p (tail xs)
--            where
--              x = head xs
-- @
-- >>> let firstS p = head . filter p  -- Susan版
-- >>> first isSquare nums == firstS isSquare nums
-- True
first :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> a
first p xs | null xs   = error "Empty list"
           | p x       = x
           | otherwise = first p (tail xs)
             x = head xs
-- |
-- Susan の first' :: (b -> Bool) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> b
-- @
-- first' :: (b -> Bool) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> b
-- first' p f = head . filter p . map f
-- @
-- Beaver の first'
-- @
-- first'  :: (b -> Bool) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> b
-- first' p f xs | null xs = error "Empty list"
--               | p x     = x
--               | otherwise = first' p f (tail xs)
--               where
--                 x = f (head xs)
-- @
-- >>> let first'S p f = head . filter p . map f
-- >>> first' isSquare (subtract 1 . (2*)) nums == first'S isSquare (subtract 1 . (2*)) nums
-- True
first'  :: (b -> Bool) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> b
first' p f xs | null xs = error "Empty list"
              | p x     = x
              | otherwise = first' p f (tail xs)
                x = f (head xs)
-- |
-- より好ましい betterFistB (Beaver 版)
-- @
-- betterFirstB :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a
-- betterFirstB p xs
--   | null xs   = Nothing
--   | p x       = Just x
--   | otherwise = betterFirstBeaver p (tail xs)
--   where
--     x = head xs
-- @
betterFirstB :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a
betterFirstB p xs = case uncons xs of
  Nothing     -> Nothing
  Just (y,ys) -> if p y then Just y else betterFirstB p ys

-- |
-- より好ましい betterFistS (Susan 版)
-- @
-- betterFirstS :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a
-- betterFirstS p = maybe Nothing (Just . fst) . uncons . filter p
-- @
-- >>> sum nums'
-- 499999500000
-- >>> betterFirstB isSquare nums' == betterFirstS isSquare nums
-- True

betterFirstS :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a
betterFirstS p = maybe Nothing (Just . fst) . uncons . filter p

-- |
-- テスト用データ 1
-- @
-- nums :: [Int]
-- nums =  [999999, 999998 .. 0]
-- @

nums :: [Int]
nums =  [999999, 999998 .. 0]

-- |
-- テスト用データ 2
-- nums と同値ですが,先頭の要素を取り出した時点で長さ1000000のリストができています.
nums' :: [Int]
nums' = let nums =  [999999, 999998 .. 0] in if nums == reverse (reverse nums) then nums else nums

-- |
-- お試し用述語
-- @
-- isSquare :: Int -> Bool
-- isSquare = (==) <*> (^2) . round . sqrt . fromIntegral 
-- @
isSquare :: Int -> Bool
isSquare = (==) <*> (^2) . round . sqrt . fromIntegral 

-- |
-- 多相関数 polyN :: Maybe a -> Maybe a を生成する関数
poly :: Int -> (Maybe a -> Maybe a)
poly 0 x = case x of
  Nothing -> Nothing
  Just y  -> Nothing
poly 1 x = case x of
  Nothing -> Nothing
  Just y  -> Just y
poly 2 x = case x of
  Nothing -> Nothing
  Just y  -> Just undefined
poly 3 x = case x of
  Nothing -> Nothing
  Just y  -> undefined
poly 4 x = case x of
  Nothing -> Just undefined
  Just y  -> Nothing
poly 5 x = case x of
  Nothing -> Just undefined
  Just y  -> Just y
poly 6 x = case x of
  Nothing -> Just undefined
  Just y  -> Just undefined
poly 7 x = case x of
  Nothing -> Just undefined
  Just y  -> undefined
poly 8 x = case x of
  Nothing -> undefined
  Just y  -> Nothing
poly 9 x = case x of
  Nothing -> undefined
  Just y  -> Just y
poly 10 x = case x of
  Nothing -> undefined
  Just y  -> Just undefined
poly 11 x = case x of
  Nothing -> undefined
  Just y  -> undefined
poly 12 x = Nothing
poly 13 x = Just undefined
poly 14 x = Just (case x of
                    Nothing -> undefined
                    Just y  -> y

-- |
-- 型クラスShowのインスタンスである型の値を表示 IO ()
prna :: Show a => a -> IO String
prna a = catch (return $ show a) (\ (e :: SomeException) -> return "⊥")

-- |
-- Maybe a の値を表示 IO ()
prn :: Show a => Maybe a -> IO ()
prn m = catch (case m of
                 Nothing -> putStrLn "Nothing"
                 Just x  -> putStrLn . ("Just "++) =<< prna x
              ) (\ (e :: SomeException) -> putStrLn "⊥")

-- |
-- テスト用引数
samples = [Nothing, Just (), Just undefined, undefined] :: [Maybe ()]

-- |
-- 表示テスト
-- >>> test
-- Nothing
-- Nothing
-- Nothing
-- ⊥
-- -----
-- Nothing
-- Just ()
-- Just ⊥
-- ⊥
-- -----
-- Nothing
-- Just ⊥
-- Just ⊥
-- ⊥
-- -----
-- Nothing
-- ⊥
-- ⊥
-- ⊥
-- -----
-- Just ⊥
-- Nothing
-- Nothing
-- ⊥
-- -----
-- Just ⊥
-- Just ()
-- Just ⊥
-- ⊥
-- -----
-- Just ⊥
-- Just ⊥
-- Just ⊥
-- ⊥
-- -----
-- Just ⊥
-- ⊥
-- ⊥
-- ⊥
-- -----
-- ⊥
-- Nothing
-- Nothing
-- ⊥
-- -----
-- ⊥
-- Just ()
-- Just ⊥
-- ⊥
-- -----
-- ⊥
-- Just ⊥
-- Just ⊥
-- ⊥
-- -----
-- ⊥
-- ⊥
-- ⊥
-- ⊥
-- -----
-- Nothing
-- Nothing
-- Nothing
-- Nothing
-- -----
-- Just ⊥
-- Just ⊥
-- Just ⊥
-- Just ⊥
-- -----
-- Just ⊥
-- Just ()
-- Just ⊥
-- Just ⊥

test :: IO ()
test = mapM_ sequence_ $ intersperse [putStrLn "-----"] $ map (flip map samples) ps
    ps = map ((prn .) . poly) [0..14]